
  • 网络Three-line construction; Third Line; third front china



Three-line construction

... ) construction of the Third Front 三线建设 ) Three-line construction 三线建设 ) Third-line construction 三线建设 ...

Third Line

毛泽东的「三线建设」(Third Line)在穷乡僻壤设立链钢厂,而在西北物资贫乏地区则成立炼油厂。改革初期,除了上述政治 …

third front china

Third Line Construction

104. OECD中国专项研究词汇表... ... social marketing 社会营销 Third Line Construction 三线建设 tunneling 利益输送 ...

Third Fronts

...」的新奇感受,甚至翻山越岭去参观毛泽东当年主张的「三线建设Third Fronts)3」工厂。

Third Front Construction

三线建设,Three-line... ... ) the Third-line Construction 三线建设 ) Third Front Construction 三线建设 ...

construction of the Third Front

... ) Third Front Construction 三线建设 ) construction of the Third Front 三线建设 ) Three-line construction 三线建设 ...

the Third-line Construction

... ) Third-line construction 三线建设 ) the Third-line Construction 三线建设 ) Third Front Construction 三线建设 ...
