
  • 网络the three kinds of pathogenic factors; three categories etiologic factors; three categories of etiologic factors



the three kinds of pathogenic factors

... 三痹 the three kinds of arthralgia 三因 the three kinds of pathogenic factors 三法 the three medical treatments ...

three categories etiologic factors

中医术语... ... 三消 three types of diabetes 三因 three categories etiologic factors 三虫病 three intestinal parasitoses ...

three categories of etiologic factors

专业词... ... 三种动物的 three animal 三因 three categories of etiologic factors 三色觉感受器 three color vision receptor ...

three types of disease causes

... 病起过用 overuse causing disease 三因 three types of disease causes 三因学说 theory of three types of disease causes ...


只要如法修行,精进不懈,三因(ti-hetuka)生的人可以说万人修万人成就,但是二因(dvi-hetuka,只具有无贪、无嗔,但是没有 …

internal cause

中医药名词英文翻译03 - 豆丁网... ... 三因 03.418 三因 页 学 03.419 因 内 internal cause 03.420 外因 external cause 03.421 ...
