
  • na.Three people spreading reports of a tiger make you believe there is one around.
  • 网络A Repeated Slander Makes Others Believe; Three people make a tiger; Three is a charm



A Repeated Slander Makes Others Believe

中国传统文化经典哲理故事 ... 指鹿为马 Calling a Stag a Horse 三人成虎 A Repeated Slander Makes Others Believe ...

Three people make a tiger

英语角... ... 虎狼之国: a nation of invaders 三人成虎: Three people make a tiger 羊质虎皮: A goat in tiger's skin ...

Three is a charm

3P有魔力,这就是布莱尼!... ... Everybody loves f*** 大家爱干活 Three is a charm 三人成虎 Two is not the same 二人落伍 ...

Argumentum ad nauseam

三人成虎Argumentum ad nauseam) 当认为一个主张因为比较常听到就比较有可能是正确的或是比较应该被接受时,就犯了 …

It must is true that all men say

All men must... ... 5. It must be true that all men say. 三人成虎。 6. It must is true that all men say. 三人成虎。 ...

It must be true that all men say

武松打虎用英语怎么说... ... Great men 's sons seldom do well. 虎父常生犬子。 It must be true that all men say. 三人成虎。 ...

three men make a tiger.

转:英语学习之---古典诗词和俗语的翻译... ... 三人成虎 three men make a tiger. 爱人如几 love others as yourself. ...

Three Liars Make a Tiger

chinese stories: 指鹿为马Call a stag... ... 狐假虎威 The Fox Assumes the Tiger's Might 三人成虎 Three Liars Make a Tiger ...
