
  • 网络The Buddhas of the Past,Present and Future; Buddhas of Three Periods; Buddhas of the Three Ages



The Buddhas of the Past,Present and Future

三世佛(The Buddhas of the Past,Present and Future) 三佛表现三世,即过去佛--燃灯佛(Buddha Dipamkara),现在佛-- …

Buddhas of Three Periods

常见佛教英语 - 乐熊的日志 - 网易博客 ... 毗庐舍那佛 Vairocana Buddha 三世佛 Buddhas of Three Periods: 菩萨 Buddhisattva ...

Buddhas of the Three Ages

北京主要景点重点专有名词中文... ... 四学殿: the Four Academic Halls 三世佛: Buddhas of the Three Ages 菩提树: pipal tree ...

Buddhas of the Three Times

... - Muni Trisamaya Vyuha - 三誓言庄严佛 - Buddhas of the Three Times - 三世佛 - Five Symbolic Buddhas - 五佛(五智如来…


DDB Sanskrit Terms ... tri-vyadhi 三病 tri-y-adhva-jina 三世佛 triyana-nirdewa 三乘教 ...
