
  • na.(wish sb.) a long life
  • 网络The More the Merrier; Boundless Longevity; everything is just fine



a long life

Character -... ... 万家灯火[ a myriad twinkling lights (of a city)] 万寿无疆[ (wish sb.) a long life] 百万[ million] ...

The More the Merrier

万寿无疆》(The More the Merrier) - George Stevens《居里夫人》(Madame Curie) - Sidney Franklin《与祖国同在》(In Whic…

Boundless Longevity

Chinese... ... Welcoming The New Spring 百家春 Boundless Longevity 万寿无疆 Gongs And Drums of Celebrations 喜庆罗鼓 ...

everything is just fine

第三次课讲义_成云... ... the whole town turns out 万事大吉 everything is just fine 万寿无疆 a long,long life 万无一失 ...


a 一aa 丝aaag 丝绒aaak 丝织aaan 丝绸aaar... ... wfu 齑 wfwg 万寿无疆 wfws 无拘无束 ...

Long Life Dish

中国菜名英译的文化错位与翻译实践... ... 宫保鸡丁 Kung Pao Chicken 万寿无疆 Long Life Dish 吉祥如意 Good Fort une Dish ...

Ten Thousand Years for your Life

... 9.忐忑不安 nervous,fidgety,uneasy 10.万寿无疆 Ten Thousand Years for your Life 8.七上八下 seven up eight down ...

A long lasting life

... 万代常春 10,000 generations of offsprings 万寿无疆 A long lasting life 万寿五福 Longevity and five blessings ...
