
  • n.universal coupling
  • 网络universal joint; Hooks coupling universal coupling; Cardan shaft



universal coupling

机械零部件常用英语翻译词汇 - 豆丁网 ... 滑轮 pulley 万向联轴器 universal coupling 游丝 hairspring ...

universal joint

universal models_翻译 ... 通用编码器: Universal coder 万向联轴器universal joint 通用模型: universal model ...

Hooks coupling universal coupling

机械翻译词汇下载 ... 外形尺寸 boundary dimension 万向联轴器 Hooks coupling universal coupling 外齿轮 external gear ...

Cardan shaft

...Part of Universal Joint) 万向联轴器Cardan shaft) 万向联轴器法兰(Flange of Universal Joint) 十字轴( Gimbal) 轴 …

Universal Joints

机械原理... ... 9?1Screw Mechanisms 螺旋机构260 9?2Universal Joints 万向联轴器262 9?3Ratchet Mechanisms 棘轮机构264 ...

swp swl swc

SWL是什... ... SWL Software Load : 软件负载 swp swl swc万向联轴器 SWL sulphellote waste ligour : 亚硫酸盐废液的缩 …

Universal Joint-Maxxus

广州金双紫机械设备有限公... ... [描述] 单向轴承( Bearings) 万向联轴器Universal Joint-Maxxus) 齿式联轴器( Gear Spindl…
