
  • n.Double Seventh Festival
  • 网络Double Seventh Day; Chinese Valentine's Day; Qixi Festival



Double Seventh Festival

关于“节日”的英文_在线英语听力室 ... Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 Double Seventh Festival 七夕节 Mid-autumn Festival 中秋 …

Double Seventh Day

《小学生黑板报手抄报内容大全》电子书下载 ... 重阳节 double ninth festival 七夕节 double seventh day 维护和平 no violence…

Chinese Valentine's Day

□... ... TOO MUCH RAIN THIS SUMMER 今夏多雨 Chinese Valentine's Day 七夕节 HAPPY DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL 端午 …

Qixi Festival

今日读报-China Daily_雅妮翻译_新浪博客 ... consumer price index 消费品价格指数 Qixi Festival 七夕节 fireflies 萤火虫 ...

Tanabata festival

关于节日的英语有哪些?_百度知道 ... 情人节 Saint Valentine's Day 七夕节 Tanabata festival 春节 Spring Festival ...

The seventh evening of the seventh moon

... 火把节 -- Torch Festival 七夕节 -- The seventh evening of the seventh moon 盂兰盆节 -- The jar orchid basin saves ...

the Double-Seventh Festival

...he Dragon-Boat Festival)、七夕节the Double-Seventh Festival)、中秋节(the Mid-autumn Festival)和重阳节(the Do…
