
  • na.That's settled then.
  • 网络Deal; It's a deal; That's a deal.




Dream - 最真的梦 - 网易博客 ... crazy!- 疯了 deal!- 一言为定 1. Absolutely not. 绝对不是。 ...

It's a deal

英文:I开头的英语谚语 ... It won't work 行不通。 It's a deal 一言为定。 It's a long story 真是一言难尽。 ...

That's a deal.

赖世雄初/中/高级、美国英语教程mp3+... ... Tell you what. 告诉你好了(口语) That's a deal. 一言为定 The food is very hot. 辣 ...

It's a date

世博英语札记【58】口语小短句 ... 4.大家都这么说. So they say. 6.一言为定. It's a date. 7.我不懂. It's beyong me. ...


小魔女DoReMi童年回忆篇歌词_小魔女doremi吧... ... OP (片头): promise 一言为定 ED (片尾): ...

It's a go.

go home的翻译中文意思... ... Let's have a go at it. 让我们来试试。 It's a go. 一言为定。[成交了。 好吧, 就这样决定了。] ...

It is a deal

美国人最常说的生活口语!_美利坚精灵_新浪博客 ... Don’t take ill of me 别生我气 It is a deal 一言为定 Easy does it 慢慢来 ...

It's a bet.

Family Album,U.S.A. EPISOD... ... a piece of cake 轻松的事,不费吹灰之 力 It's a bet. 一言为定。 all set 准备就 …

