
  • un.set one's mind on be obsessed with the idea of be bent on
  • 网络be ambitious to; draw a bead on; be intent on



be bent on

MBA英语常考的各类短语及习惯搭配 ... be based on 根据,以……为基础 be bent on 热恋于,一心想 be beside oneself 忘乎 …

set one's mind on

成语_sunny_新浪博客 ... for a song 便宜,低价,处理价 set one's mind on 盼望,一心想...... all thumbs 笨拙地 ...

be ambitious to

高考总复习英语... ... be ambitious of success 渴望成功 be ambitious to 一心想…… be beneficial to ... 对……有用/有好处/有益 ...

draw a bead on

bead... ... bead and quirk 圆凹饰 draw a bead on v. 用枪对准,瞄准,注意上,盯上;攻击,抨击,批判;一心想… agate bead 玛瑙珠 ...

be intent on

intent... ... update intent 更新意图,更新意向 be intent on 一心想,专心于,坚持要 of intent 有意地,故意地,蓄意地 ...

have every intention of

... *With the intention of 有…打算 *have every intention of一心想…  intend to do/plan to do/mean to do 打算做… ...

to set one's mind on

单词天天... ... to read one's mind: 看出某人的心思 to set one's mind on一心想 to wear the body and the mind: 使身心疲 …
