
  • 网络Thirty-Six Stratagems; Thirty-Six Strategies; all the possible schemes and stratagems



Thirty-Six Stratagems

后一篇:三十六计(Thirty-Six Stratagems)英文表达法< 前一篇The Deep Blue Sea 后一篇 >三十六计(Thirty-Six Stratagems)英 …

Thirty-Six Strategies

三十六计(Thirty-Six Strategies)2008-03-06 14:23:43三十六计(Thirty-Six Strategies)1.瞒天过海crossing the sea under camoufla…

all the possible schemes and stratagems

应计基础 in English,... ... 乳脂计 butyrometers 三十六计 ;all the possible schemes and stratagems 渗漏测定计 lysimeters ...

go while the going is good.

常用英语单词和词组大全 ... go for broke 尽最大努力 go while the going is good. 三十六计,走为上计 ...

They-Six Stratagems

汉英实用词汇词典/高登亮,... ... (八)中国古典著作 Some Chinese Classics (九)三十六计 They-Six Stratagems 十四、体育 …

better make myself scarce

汉语成语... ... 不三不四 dubious;inappropriate 三十六计,走为上计 better make myself scarce 倾盆大雨 to rain cats and dogs ...
