
美 [stɑr]英 [stɑː(r)]
  • adj.用星装饰的;戴着星章的;标有星号的;…主演的
  • n.恒星;星状物;星形饰物;星号
  • v.主演;担任主角;使主演;由…担任主角
  • 网络星星;明星;星牌

复数:stars 过去式:starred starring 过去式:starred 现在分词:starring



n. v.

天空in sky

1.[c]恒星;星a large ball of burning gas in space that we see as a point of light in the sky at night


2.[c]星状物;星形饰物;星号an object, a decoration, a mark, etc., usually with five or six points, whose shape represents a star

质量标志mark of quality

3.[c][ususing](尤指旅馆或餐馆的)星级a mark that represents a star and tells you how good sth is, especially a hotel or restaurant


4.[c]歌唱(或表演)明星;体坛高手;才华出众者a famous and excellent singer, performer, sports player, etc.

5.[c](电影、戏剧等的)主角,主演a person who has the main part, or one of the main parts, in a film/movie, play, etc.

最优秀者best of group

6.[c]最优秀(或出色、成功)者a person or thing that is the best of a group

提供帮助的人helpful person

7.[c][ususing](informal)(表示万分感激或赞叹)used to show that you feel very grateful for sth that sb has done or that you think they are wonderful

对某人将来的影响influence on sb's future

8.[pl]星象(根据人出生时天体的位置而描述的命运)a description of what sb thinks is going to happen to sb in the future, based on the position of the stars and planets when they were born


see stars

(因头部被撞击等)两眼直冒金星to see flashes of light in front of your eyes, usually because you have been hit on the head

stars in your eyes

成名的梦想;(尤指成为艺人的)明星梦if sb hasstars in their eyes , they have dreams of becoming famous, especially as an entertainer

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partyprince花花王子 --京东商城 ... 风格 STYLE 明星 STAR 类型 TYPE ...


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AE中英文对照表 - 丑石的日志 - 网易博客 ... 13.16 Squint( 重影) 13.17 Star星形) 13.18 Swirl( 旋涡) ...


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不少大牌球星(Star)如 齐达内、 贝隆、菲戈(Figo)等等,你出生的时候,你哭着,周围的人笑着;在生命的尽头,你笑着,而周 …


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