美 [tʃɔɪs]英 [tʃɔɪs]
- n.选择;抉择;挑选;选择权;选择;挑选;选择力;选择物
- adj.优质的;上等的;优选的;(质量)中上等的;精选的;值得选用的;挑七拣八的;爱惜的
- 网络巧手
复数:choices 比较级:choicer 最高级:choicest

1.[c]~ (between A and B)选择;挑选;抉择an act of choosing between two or more possibilities; something that you can choose
2.[u][sing]选择权;选择的可能性the right to choose or the possibility of choosing
3.[c]入选者;被选中的东西a person or thing that is chosen
4.[sing][u]供选择的品种;可选的范围the number or range of different things from which to choose
by choice
出于自己的选择because you have chosen
of choice (for sb/sth)
精选的;特选的that is chosen by a particular group of people or for a particular purpose
of your choice
自己选择(或选定)的that you choose yourself
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