- n.方式;方法;途径;路
- adv.很远;大量;非常;极其
- v.让开;除去;处分
- 网络道路;路线;方向

1.[c]方法;手段;途径;方式a method, style or manner of doing sth
2.[c]作风;风度;样子a particular manner or style of behaviour
3.[pl](群体的)行为方式,生活方式,习俗the typical way of behaving and living of a particular group of people
4.[c][ususing]~ (from…) (to…)路线;路;道路a route or road that you take in order to reach a place
5.[c][ususing]行进路线;通路the route along which sb/sth is moving; the route that sb/sth would take if there was nothing stopping them/it
6.[c]路;小径;街道a road, path or street for travelling along
7.(用于街道名称)路,道used in the names of streets
8.[c][ususing]which, this, that, etc. ~某方向;往某方向a particular direction; in a particular direction
进入;离去for entering/leaving
9.[c][ususing]出入通道;门口a means of going into or leaving a place, such as a door or gate
10.[sing](两点之间的)距离,时间段a distance or period of time between two points
11.[sing](informal)地区;地带an area, a part of a country, etc.
12.[c]方面a particular aspect of sth
13.[sing]情况;状态a particular condition or state
across the way
在街对面;在…对面on the other side of the street, etc.
all the way
一路上;自始至终during the whole journey/period of time
(thats/its) always the way
(表示经常如此,尤用于贬义)总是这样,老是used to say that things often happen in a particular way, especially when it is not convenient
any way you slice it
无论你如何看待however you choose to look at a situation
be/be born/be made that way
天性如此;生下就这样to behave or do things in a particular manner because it is part of your character
be set in your ways
积习难改;秉性难移;执拗to have habits or opinions that you have had for a long time and that you do not want to change
by the way
顺便提一下;捎带说一声;附带问一句used to introduce a comment or question that is not directly related to what you have been talking about
by way of sth
路经;经过;经由by a route that includes the place mentioned
by way of/in the way of sth
作为…的形式;为了;作为…的手段as a form of sth; for sth; as a means of sth
come your way
意外落在…头上;偶尔发生在…身上to happen to you by chance, or when you were not expecting it
cut both/two ways
两面都行得通(或说得通);有利也有弊to have two opposite effects or results
either way|one way or the other
两者都一样used to say that it does not matter which one of two possibilities happens, is chosen or is true
every which way
四面八方;向各处in all directions
get into/out of the way of (doing) sth
养成(或丢掉)…的习惯to become used to doing sth/to lose the habit of doing sth
get in the way of
挡…的路;妨碍to prevent sb from doing sth; to prevent sth from happening
get/have your own way
一意孤行;为所欲为to get or do what you want, especially when sb has tried to stop you
give way
断裂;倒塌;塌陷to break or fall down
give way (to sb/sth)
屈服;退让;让步to stop resisting sb/sth; to agree to do sth that you do not want to do
give way to sth
让自己陷于(某种情绪等)to allow yourself to be very strongly affected by sth, especially an emotion
go all the way (with sb)
(与某人)尽情地性交to have full sexual intercourse with sb
go a long/some way towards doing sth
(对做某事)帮助很大╱不大,作用很大╱不大to help very much/a little in achieving sth
go out of your way (to do sth)
特地;格外努力to make a special effort to do sth
go your own way
一意孤行;我行我素to do as you choose, especially when sb has advised you against it
go sbs way
与…同路to travel in the same direction as sb
go the way of all flesh
长逝;走向人生终点to die
have it your own way!
随你的便好了used to say in an angry way that although you are not happy about sth that sb has said, you are not going to argue
have it/things/everything your own way
为所欲为;一意孤行to have what you want, especially by opposing other people
have a way of doing sth
…是常有的事(尤指无法控制的事)used to say that sth often happens in a particular way, especially when it is out of your control
have a way with sb/sth
善于应付;善于处理;有办法对付to be good at dealing with sb/sth
have/want it both ways
(想)两全其美to have or want to have the advantages of two different situations or ways of behaving that are impossible to combine
have your (wicked) way with sb
把…勾到手to persuade sb to have sex with you
in a big/small way
大╱小规模地on a large/small scale
in more ways than one
(所说的话)不止一个意思;在很多方面used to show that a statement has more than one meaning
in her, his, its, etc. (own) way
以…的特有方式in a manner that is appropriate to or typical of a person or thing but that may seem unusual to other people
in a way|in one way|in some ways
在某种程度上;不完全地to some extent; not completely
in the/sbs way
妨碍;挡着…的路stopping sb from moving or doing sth
in the way of sth
(用于问句或否定句)关于,就…而言used in questions and negative sentences to talk about the types of sth that are available
keep/stay out of sbs way
规避;避开;躲开to avoid sb
look the other way
故意避而不看to deliberately avoid seeing sb/sth
lose your way
迷失方向;迷路to become lost
make your way (to/towards sth)
去;前往;到…地方去;前进to move or get somewhere; to make progress
make way (for sb/sth)
让…通过;给…让路;让出位置to allow sb/sth to pass; to allow sb/sth to take the place of sb/sth
my way or the highway
要么听我的,要么走人used to say that sb else has either to agree with your opinion or to leave
(there are) no two ways about it
肯定无疑;别无他途used to show that you are certain about sth
(there is) no way
不可能;决不;不行;没门儿used to say that there is no possibility that you will do sth or that sth will happen
on your/the/its way
即将去(或来);就要去(或来)going or coming
the other way round
颠倒过来;相反;反过来in the opposite position, direction or order
out of the way
不再挡路;不再碍事no longer stopping sb from moving or doing sth
out of your way
不在计划走的路线上not on the route that you planned to take
see your way (clear) to doing sth/to do sth
觉得有可能做某事;认为便于做某事to find that it is possible or convenient to do sth
see which way the wind is blowing
看看风向;观察势头;摸清可能发生的情况to get an idea of what is likely to happen before doing sth
(not) stand in sbs way
(不)妨碍别人to (not) prevent sb from doing sth
thats the way the cookie crumbles
情况就是这样;没有别的办法that is the situation and we cannot change it, so we must accept it
theres more than one way to skin a cat
(要做成某事)方法不止一个,有的是办法there are many different ways to achieve sth
to my way of thinking
我认为;依我看;依我之见in my opinion
under way
已经开始;在进行中having started
a/the/sbs way of life
(个人或群体的)特有的行为模式,典型生活方式the typical pattern of behaviour of a person or group
the way of the world
大多数人的行为模式;世道;事情发生的规律the way that most people behave; the way that things happen, which you cannot change
ways and means
(做某事现有的)方法和资源,手段和财力the methods and materials available for doing sth
a way into sth
(加入难以进入的群体、行业等的)敲门砖;(弄懂难以理解事物的)窍门,诀窍something that allows you to join a group of people, an industry, etc. that it is difficult to join, or to understand sth that it is difficult to understand
the way to sbs heart
赢得某人喜爱的办法;攻心策the way to make sb like or love you
way to go!
干得好used to tell sb that you are pleased about sth they have done
work your way through college, round the world, etc.
勤工俭学;半工半读;边挣钱边周游世界to have a job or series of jobs while studying, travelling, etc. in order to pay for your education, etc.
work your way through sth
自始至终做(尤指耗费时间或力量的事)to do sth from beginning to end, especially when it takes a lot of time or effort
work your way up
逐步升职;按部就班晋升to move regularly to a more senior position in a company