
美 [ʌp]英 [ʌp]
  • adv.起床;向上;出现;到
  • prep.沿着;向;顺着;向…上游
  • adj.激动;向上的;往上移动的;高兴
  • n.上面;高处;上坡路;繁荣
  • v.突然移动;突然做(意想不到的事);提高…的价格(或数量)
  • 网络飞屋环游记;起来;不饱和聚酯(unsaturated polyester)

第三人称单数:ups 现在分词:upping 过去式:upped



1.向(或在)较高位置;向上;在上面towards or in a higher position

2.向(或在)较高水平;加大;增高to or at a higher level

3.朝(某人或某物)的方向;向…的地方to the place where sb/sth is

4.到,朝,在(重要地方,尤指大城市)to or at an important place, especially a large city

5.向(国家北部的地方);向(北方)to a place in the north of a country

6.成碎片;分开into pieces or parts


8.(以便)形成,聚拢so as to be formed or brought together

9.(以便)完结,关闭so as to be finished or closed

10.已结束;已过去finished; over

11.未上床;起床out of bed

12.(informal)(尤指异常或不愉快的事情)发生,出现used to say that sth is happening, especially sth unusual or unpleasant


be up to sb

是…的职责(或责任);由…决定to be sb's duty or responsibility; to be for sb to decide

not be up to much

质量差;不很好to be of poor quality; to not be very good

up against sth

遇到问题;遭到反对facing problems or opposition

up and down

起伏;上下波动moving upwards and downwards

up and running

在运转;在使用中working; being used

up before sb/sth

到…面前接受裁决;出庭受审appearing in front of sb in authority for a judgement to be made about sth that you have done

up for sth

提供作…on offer for sth

up there

(是或差不多是最好、最差、最重要等)之列,之一among or almost the best, worst, most important, etc.

up to sth

达到(某数量、程度等);至多有as far as a particular number, level, etc.


飞屋环游记观后感飞屋环游记(Up)的影评飞屋环游记Up2009-迅雷下载,在线点播,电影简介,电影评论,海报,图片,剧照,下载,在线 …


小学英语单词表_百度文库 ... train 火车 up 向上 hill 小山 ...


起来(Up)加入网上(Online)dubu也仍旧有一年的时期了,一年的光阴里,总的来说(Overall)输多赢少吧。男人的经验是从愉快 …

不饱和聚酯(unsaturated polyester)

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桦南职教吧_百度贴吧 ... Best·Class___________∨、o9 届°﹏(计算机班 )。 UP ok 丶小青年 5-16 ...


⑷ 频率上升(UP)/下降(DOWN)控制端子: 通过功能参数预置,UP 与公共端闭合时,变频器的输出频率上升,UP 与公共端断开 …


同问飞屋历险记(up)里面大约12分20秒的音乐是什么? 提问者采纳 2009-12-20 01:05 hyperask | 分类:电影 就是那老头早上醒 …
