- n.病人;呕吐物
- adj.恶心;晕船;有病的;想呕吐
- v.攻击;追击;(纵狗)追击;〈美〉嗾使(狗等)去咬[去攻击]
- 网络施克;生病的;西克
第三人称单数:sicks 现在分词:sicking 过去式:sicked 比较级:sicker 最高级:sickest

1.(身体或精神)生病的,有病的physically or mentally ill
想呕吐wanting to vomit
2.[nubn]想呕吐;恶心feeling that you want to vomit
3.晕船;晕机;晕车feeling sick as a result of travelling on a ship, plane, etc.
4.(informal)(对…)厌倦的,厌烦的,厌恶的bored with or annoyed about sth that has been happening for a long time, and wanting it to stop
5.(informal)令人毛骨悚然的;可怕的;残酷的dealing with suffering, disease or death in a cruel way that some people think is offensive
6.(informal)变态的;病态的getting enjoyment from doing strange or cruel things
be sick
呕吐to bring food from your stomach back out through your mouth
be worried sick; be sick with worry
极度担心;担心得要命to be extremely worried
fall sick
患病;生病to become ill/sick
make sb sick
使厌恶;使反感to make sb angry or disgusted
(as) sick as a dog
病得很重;呕吐得厉害feeling very ill/sick; vomiting a lot
(as) sick as a parrot
大失所望very disappointed
sick at heart
十分不快;非常失望very unhappy or disappointed
sick to your stomach
非常生气;非常担心feeling very angry or worried