Short -

美 [ʃɔrt]英 [ʃɔː(r)t]
  • adj.短的;个子矮的;短期的;短暂的
  • adv.缺少;不足;未达到;不及
  • v.卖空(股票);故意少给;欺骗;【电】使短路
  • n.少量烈酒;(尤指在正片前放映的)电影短片
  • 网络短整型;短裤;短整数

比较级:shorter 最高级:shortest 复数:shorts 现在分词:shorting 过去式:shorted

Short -Short -

Short -


1.短的measuring or covering a small length or distance, or a smaller length or distance than usual


2.个子矮的small in height


3.短的;短期的;短暂的lasting or taking a small amount of time or less time than usual

4.[obn]短短的seeming to have passed very quickly

不足not enough

5.[nbn]~ (of sth)不足;短缺not having enough of sth; lacking sth

6.(informal)~ on sth缺乏,缺少(某种品质)lacking or not having enough of a particular quality

7.[nbn]紧俏;紧缺not easily available; not supplying as much as you need

8.[nbn]~ (of sth)少于;缺少;未达到less than the number, amount or distance mentioned or needed


10.~ for sth简略的;缩写的being a shorter form of a name or word


11.[nbn]~ (with sb)简单粗暴;简慢无礼speaking to sb using few words in a way that seems rude


12.短音的ashort vowel is pronounced for a shorter time than other vowels


a brick short of a load, two sandwiches short of a picnic, etc.

冒傻气的;不大聪明的stupid; not very intelligent

get the short end of the stick

抽到倒霉签;被派做苦差事to be the person in a group who is chosen or forced to perform an unpleasant duty or task

give sb/sth/get short shrift

不重视(或同情);不受重视(或同情)to give sb/get little attention or sympathy

have/be on a short fuse

动辄发火;性情暴躁;脾气不好to have a tendency to get angry quickly and easily

in short order

麻利;简单省事quickly and without trouble

in the short run

从短期来看;眼下concerning the immediate future

in short supply

不充裕;短缺;紧缺not existing in large enough quantities to satisfy demand

little/nothing short of sth

可以说是;无异于;近乎used when you are saying that sth is almost true, or is equal to sth

make short work of sth/sb

干净利落地打败(或处理);三下五除二就打垮(或解决)to defeat, deal with sth/sb quickly

short and sweet

短暂而美好;简明扼要;紧凑pleasant but not lasting a long time


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java关键字_百度百科 ... long 长整型 short 短整型 class 类, ...


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短整数 (Short) 值从主机位元组顺序转换为网路位元组顺序。HostToNetworkOrder(Int32) 将整数值从主机位元组顺序转换为 …
