1.a particular area of something such as a building, street, or town; one of the areas that are separated from each other by something such as a border or a river
2.any of the edges of a flat shape; an inside surface of a container or room that is not the top or bottom; a flat surface of a solid object such as a cube or pyramid; the left or right part of something; an outside surface of an object or shape that is not its front, back, bottom, or top; the general area of your body from your shoulder down to your waist; the left or right area of your body from your head to your feet; either of the flat surfaces of something thin such as a piece of paper or a coin; the part of a hill that slopes and is between the top and the bottom; someone’s good or best side is the side of their face that they think looks more attractive; one half of the body of a cow, pig, or other large animal, used as food; the edge of a boat
3.one aspect of a situation, problem, or subject; a part of a person’s personality; the funny, serious, etc. side of something is the aspect of it that has that quality
4.if you are on someone’s side, you support them in an argument or a fight
5.a part of your family, either your father’s set of relatives or your mother’s
6.an additional food served with the main food in a meal
7.one of two or more groups of people opposing each other; a sports team