- v.休息;长眠;放松;托
- n.其他;其余;剩余部分;休止
- 网络休憩;休止符;静止
复数:rests 现在分词:resting 过去式:rested

剩余的部分╱人╱事物remaining part/people/things
1.[sing]the ~ (of sth)剩余部分;残留;其余the remaining part of sth
2.[pl]the ~ (of sth)其余的人;其他事物;其他the remaining people or things; the others
休息时间period of relaxing
3.[c][u]休息时间;睡眠时间a period of relaxing, sleeping or doing nothing after a period of activity
4.[c]支撑物;支架;基座;托an object that is used to support or hold sth
and (all) the rest (of it)
(列举时用)诸如此类,等等used at the end of a list to mean everything else that you might expect to be on the list
and the rest
(比所说的)还要多;远不止此数used to say that the actual amount or number of sth is much higher than sb has stated
at rest
静止;不动not moving
come to rest
停止移动;不再移动to stop moving
for the rest
除此之外;至于其他apart from that; as far as other matters are concerned
give it a rest
不要再提(恼人的事)了used to tell sb to stop talking about sth because they are annoying you
give sth a rest
暂停;暂时不做to stop doing sth for a while
lay sb to rest
(委婉说法,与 bury 同义)安葬to bury sb. People sayto lay sb to rest to avoid sayingto bury sb.
lay/put sth to rest
(通过揭穿假象)平息,使停止to stop sth by showing it is not true
the rest is history
结局是尽人皆知的;结果如何不必赘述used when you are telling a story to say that you do not need to tell the end of it, because everyone knows it already