- n.地方;位置;地点;场所
- v.安置;安放;认出;使(人)处于某位置
复数:places 现在分词:placing 过去式:placed

1.[c]位置;地点;场所;地方a particular position, point or area
2.[c]某处地方(如城镇或建筑物等)a particular city, town, building, etc.
3.[c]有某用途的建筑(或土地)a building or an area of land used for a particular purpose
表面区域area on surface
4.[c]表面的某处;(尤指)身体某处a particular area on a surface, especially on a person's body
书、讲话等in book/speech, etc.
5.[c]段;点;节;(尤指)读到的(或说到的)某点a point in a book, speech, piece of music, etc., especially one that sb has reached at a particular time
6.[c](尤指占用或空着的)座位,位置,泊位a position, seat, etc., especially one that is available for or being used by a person or vehicle
7.[sing]~ (in sth)身份;地位;资格the role or importance of sb/sth in a particular situation, usually in relation to others
学校at university/school
8.[c]求学机会;进修机会;入学名额an opportunity to take part in sth, especially to study at a school or university or on a course
运动队in sports team
9.[c]队员身份;队员资格the position of being a member of a sports team
正确位置correct position
10.[c]恰当位置;适当的地方the natural or correct position for sth
安全地区safe area
11.[c]适当的(或安全的)处所a suitable or safe area for sb to be
12.[sing](informal)家;住处a house or flat/apartment; a person's home
竞赛in race/competition
13.[c][ususing](速度比赛或竞赛获胜者的)名次a position among the winners of a race or competition
14.[c](小数点后的)位the position of a figure after a decimal point
15.[sing](作短街道或广场名称的一部分)used as part of a name for a short street or square
all over the place
change/swap places (with sb)
(与某人)交换位置,交换处境to be in sb else's situation
fall/slot into place
明朗化;清晰;理出头绪if sth complicated or difficult to understandfalls orslots into place , it becomes organized or clear in your mind
give place to sb/sth
让位于;被…代替to be replaced by sb/sth
be going places
事业顺利;春风得意to be getting more and more successful in your life or career
if I was/were in your place
若是换了我呀;我若在你的位置used to introduce a piece of advice you are giving to sb
in the first place
(用于句尾,谈论某事为何或是否应该做)究竟,到底,当初used at the end of a sentence to talk about why sth was done or whether it should have been done or not
in the first, second, etc. place
(用于句首)第一、第二等等used at the beginning of a sentence to introduce the different points you are making in an argument
in my, your, etc. place
处于我(或你等)的境况in my, your, etc. situation
in place
在正确位置;准备妥当in the correct position; ready for sth
in place of sb/sth|in sbs/sths place
代替;顶替instead of sb/sth
out of place
位置不当not in the correct place
a place in the sun
舒适的状态;有利地位;优越境况a position in which you are comfortable or have an advantage over other people
put yourself in sb elses/sbs place
设身处地替别人着想;设想自己处于别人的境地to imagine that you are in sb else's situation
put sb in their place
挫某人的锐气;杀某人的威风;使明白自己的身份to make sb feel stupid or embarrassed for showing too much confidence
take place
(尤指根据安排或计划)发生,进行to happen, especially after previously being arranged or planned
take sbs/sths place|take the place of sb/sth
代替;替换to replace sb/sth
take your place
就位;入座to go to the physical position that is necessary for an activity