美 [maɪnd]英 [maɪnd]
  • v.介意;注意;当心;听从
  • n.头脑;心思;大脑;智慧
  • 网络心智;心灵;精神

复数:minds 现在分词:minding 过去式:minded



n. v.

思考能力ability to think

1.[c][u]头脑;大脑the part of a person that makes them able to be aware of things, to think and to feel

2.[c]思考能力;智慧;思维方式your ability to think and reason; your intelligence; the particular way that sb thinks

智者intelligent person

3.[c]聪明人;富有才智的人a person who is very intelligent


4.[c]心思your thoughts, interest, etc.


5.[c][ususing]记忆力your ability to remember things


be all in sbs/the mind

只是凭空想象to be sth that only exists in sb's imagination

bear/keep sb/sth in mind|bear/keep in mind that…

将…记在心中;记住;考虑到to remember sb/sth; to remember or consider that…

be bored, frightened, pissed, stoned, etc. out of your mind

感到非常无聊(或害怕等);烂醉如泥;晕头转向to be extremely bored, etc.

be/go out of your mind

心智失常;发疯to be unable to think or behave in a normal way; to become crazy

be in two minds about sth/about doing sth

犹豫不决;拿不定主意to be unable to decide what you think about sb/sth, or whether to do sth or not

be of one/the same mind (about sb/sth)

对…意见一致;对…看法相同to have the same opinion about sb/sth

be out of your mind with worry, etc.

极度焦虑(或愁苦等);忧心忡忡to be extremely worried, etc.

bring/call sb/sth to mind

想起;记起to remember sb/sth

come/spring to mind

突然记起(或想到)if sthcomes/springs to mind , you suddenly remember or think of it

have a good mind to do sth|have half a mind to do sth

想去做某事,可能会做某事(但不确定)used to say that you think you will do sth, although you are not sure

have sb/sth in mind (for sth)

心中有适当人选(或想做的事等)to be thinking of sb/sth, especially for a particular job, etc.

have it in mind to do sth

打算做某事to intend to do sth

have a mind of your own

有主见;能自作决定to have your own opinion and make your own decisions without being influenced by other people

lose your mind

发疯;神经错乱to become mentally ill

make up your mind|make your mind up

作出决定;下定决心to decide sth

mind over matter

精神胜过物质(用精神力量处理物质问题)the use of the power of your mind to deal with physical problems

your minds eye

想象your imagination

on your mind

挂在心上;惦念if sb/sth ison your mind , you are thinking and worrying about them/it a lot

put/get sth out of your mind

不再想;有意忘记to stop thinking about sb/sth; to deliberately forget sb/sth

put sb in mind of sb/sth

使某人想起to make sb think of sb/sth; to remind sb of sb/sth

put/set sbs mind at ease/rest

安慰;宽解;使宽心to do or say sth to make sb stop worrying about sth

put/set/turn your mind to sth|set your mind on sth

集中精力做;下决心做to decide you want to achieve sth and give this all your attention

take your mind off sth

转移一下注意力;暂时将某事忘记to make you forget about sth unpleasant for a short time

to my mind

依我看;以我之见in my opinion


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