- n.爱;爱情;热爱;恋爱
- v.爱;喜欢;热爱;喜爱
- 网络爱心;真爱
复数:loves 现在分词:loving 过去式:loved

1.[u]爱;热爱;慈爱a strong feeling of deep affection for sb/sth, especially a member of your family or a friend
2.[u]爱情;恋爱a strong feeling of affection for sb that you are sexually attracted to
3.[u][sing]喜好;喜爱the strong feeling of enjoyment that sth gives you
所爱的人╱物sb/sth you like
4.[c]心爱的人;钟爱之物;爱好a person, a thing or an activity that you like very much
友好的称呼friendly name
5.[c](informal)(昵称)亲爱的a word used as a friendly way of addressing sb
网球in tennis
6.[u]零分a score of zero (points or games)
(just) for love|(just) for the love of sth
出于爱好;不收报酬;无偿without receiving payment or any other reward
for the love of God
(表示愤怒和不耐烦)看在上帝的分上,哎呀,求求你used when you are expressing anger and the fact that you are impatient
give/send my love to sb
向某人致意(或问候)used to send good wishes to sb
love from|lots of love (from)
(用于给朋友或所爱的人的信结尾具名前)爱你的used at the end of a letter to a friend or to sb you love, followed by your name
love is blind
爱情是盲目的,爱让人蒙蔽双眼(指恋爱中的人看不到对方缺点)when you love sb, you cannot see their faults
make love (to sb)
有性行为;性交;做爱to have sex
not for love or/nor money
决不;无论怎样也不if you say you cannot do sthfor love nor money , you mean it is completely impossible to do it
theres little/no love lost between A and B
(…之间)彼此厌恶,互无好感they do not like each other