- v.举行;有;掌握;担任(职务等);举行;持有;保存;抓住;有;占据;担任(职务等);持有(见解等)
- n.抱;持;握;控制;【船】货舱;握住;掌握;保持;【船】货舱;握住;掌握;保持
- 网络预约;中继成功;一盘的量
过去式:held held 过去式:held 过去分词:holden 第三人称单数:holds 现在分词:holding

手;双臂in hand/arms
1.[t]~ sb/sth (+ adv./prep.)拿着;抓住;抱住;托住;夹着to carry sth; to have sb/sth in your hand, arms, etc.
2.[t]~ sth抱住,捂住,按住(受伤的身体部位等)to put your hand on part of your body, usually because it hurts
位置in position
3.[t]使保持(在某位置)to keep sb/sth in a particular position
4.[t]~ sb/sth支撑…的重量to support the weight of sb/sth
5.[t]~ sb/sth容纳;包含to have enough space for sth/sb; to contain sth/sb
监禁sb prisoner
6.[t]监禁;拘留to keep sb and not allow them to leave
7.[t]~ sth守卫;控制to defend sth against attack; to have control of sth
8.[i]承受住;坚持住;保持原位to remain strong and safe or in position
9.[i]保持不变to remain the same
10.[t]~ sth使(注意力或兴趣)持续不减;吸引住to keep sb's attention or interest
11.[t]~ sth (at sth)使保持同样程度(或比率、速度等)to keep sth at the same level, rate, speed, etc.
12.[t]~ sth保存;存储to keep sth so that it can be used later
13.[t]~ sth拥有;持有to own or have sth
14.[t]~ sth担任;任职to have a particular job or position
15.[t]~ sth获得;赢得to have sth you have gained or achieved
16.[t]怀有,持有(信念、意见)to have a belief or an opinion about sb/sth
17.[t]认为;相信to consider that sth is true
18.[t][usupass]~ sth召开;举行;进行to have a meeting, competition, conversation, etc.
电话on telephone
22.[i][t](打电话时)等待,不挂断to wait until you can speak to the person you have telephoned
23.[t]~ sth停下;不要做used to tell sb to stop doing sth or not to do sth
大多数含 hold 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 hold the fort 在词条 fort 下。Most idioms containinghold are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for examplehold the fort is atfort .
hold good
正确;适用to be true
hold it
稍等;别动used to ask sb to wait, or not to move
there is no holding sb
阻拦不住某人a person cannot be prevented from doing sth