
美 [klin]英 [kliːn]
  • v.打扫;把;洗涤;【化】纯化;打扫;【化】纯化;提纯;扫除;打扫;除去…的灰尘;使…干净;变干净
  • n.打扫;清扫
  • adj.清洁的;未染污的;(核武器等)无放射性尘埃的;洁净的;干净的;爱干净的;爱整洁的;清洁的;未染污的;(核武器等)无放射性尘埃的
  • adv.十分;清洁地;巧妙地;完全地;彻底地;干净地;干净利落地
  • 网络最清洁的;清洁性

比较级:cleaner 最高级:cleanest 第三人称单数:cleans 现在分词:cleaning 过去式:cleaned



清洁not dirty

1.洁净的;干净的not dirty

2.爱干净的;爱整洁的having a clean appearance and clean surroundings

无害not harmful

3.无有害物的;无污染的free from harmful or unpleasant substances


4.[ubn]空白的;未写过字的with nothing written on it

文明not offensive

5.文明的;无色情的;正派的not offensive or referring to sex; not doing anything that is considered immoral or bad

合法not illegal

6.无犯罪记录的;守法的;清白的not showing or having any record of doing sth that is against the law

7.(informal)没有私藏(或携带)违禁品(如毒品、武器等)的not owning or carrying anything illegal such as drugs or weapons


8.公平的;守规则的;不违例的played or done in a fair way and within the rules


9.边缘平整的;表面平滑的;简洁规则的having a smooth edge, surface or shape; simple and regular


10.动作熟练而准确的;干净利落的done in a skilful and accurate way


11.清醇的;清新的tasting, smelling or looking pleasant and fresh


as clean as a whistle

干干净净very clean

a clean bill of health

健康证明;合格证明a report that says sb is healthy or that sth is in good condition

a clean break

(与人、组织、生活方式等的)彻底决裂a complete separation from a person, an organization, a way of life, etc.

a clean sheet/slate

无过错记录;清白的历史a record of your work or behaviour that does not show any mistakes or bad things that you have done

make a clean breast of sth

彻底坦白;如实供认;把…和盘托出to tell the truth about sth so that you no longer feel guilty

make a clean sweep (of sth)

全部撤换;彻底清除to remove all the people or things from an organization that are thought to be unnecessary or need changing


2012年4月雅思听力预测(V09112)_新东方网 ... blue n. 蓝色 cleanest adj. 最清洁的 permit n. 通行证 ...


...rol of nuisance algae),或者清洁性cleanest
