
  • 网络fall into disorder; Descent into Chaos; get into a mess



fall into disorder

Fall的... ... fall into disfavour with 失宠。 失众望。 fall into disorder 陷入混乱。 fall into disrepair 破损失修, 需要修理。 ...

Descent into Chaos

本文作者著有数本关于阿富汗、巴基斯坦和中亚问题的书籍,其中包括《陷入混乱》(Descent into Chaos)。译者/王慧玲 撤军 …

get into a mess

mess hall是什么意思_翻译mess... ... clear up the mess 清理脏乱 get into a mess 陷入混乱 go to the mess 去食堂吃饭 ...

with chaos ensuing

2012年考研英语作文常用表达同义替换词_沪江考研 ... >anticipate 期望;预期 >with chaos ensuing 陷入混乱 >render 提出 ...

Thrown into disarray

2011新闻英语 - Jerry CHU 部落格 - Yahoo... ... Retrofit 改造 Thrown into disarray 陷入混乱 Voted against 投反对票 ...

thrown into confusion

descend into chaos

英文应用句──内心想法篇 @... ... *破灭的希望 hopes that crumbled to dust *(陷入混乱descend into chaos ...

in a tur-moil

什么意思... ... Moil Suit Gunda 00I 机动战士高达00I in a tur-moil 陷入混乱 deep and thick mucky moil 深厚淤泥土 ...
