
  • na.fabricate lies
  • 网络make up lies; to invent an excuse; make up a story



fabricate lies

编造的英文翻译,编造用英语怎么说 -... ... 编造出 to fabricate 编造谎言 fabricate lies 编造名册 put together a roster ...

make up lies

高中英语必备... ... 160. 达到目的 160. achieve the goal 162. 编造谎言 162. make up lies 167. 牵手 167. hold to one’s hand ...

to invent an excuse

【invent】什么意思_英语invent在线翻译_有道词典 ... to invent an excuse 编造谎言 invent sth 发明某物 ...

make up a story

英语妙语语林(三)_十年一梦扬州路_新浪博客 ... 31. make up a story 编造谎言 32. play one's trump card 打出王牌 ...

Concocted Lies

... They concocted a sinister plot. 他们策划了一个毒辣的阴谋。 Concocted Lies 编造谎言 concocted processing 加工炮制 ...

To fabricate

查询fabricate 在中国最大翻译语料库... ... To fabricate 乡壁虚造 To fabricate 编造谎言 fabricate block 预制分段,装配分段 ...

invent a lie

... 一手编造 fabricate by oneself 编造谎言 invent a lie 他爱编造谎言糊弄我。 He loves to make up lies to fool me with. ...
