
  • na.state monopoly of the purchase and marketing of (grain etc.)
  • 网络unified purchase and sale; planned purchase and marketing by the state; planned purchase and supply



unified purchase and sale

会计词汇D ... unified income tax 统一所得税 unified purchase and sale 统购统销 unified tax system 统一税制 ...

planned purchase and marketing by the state

商业广告用语词汇_在线英语听力室 ... 市场繁荣 The market is brisk. 统购统销 planned purchase and marketing by the state ...

planned purchase and supply

航海及海运专业... ... planned maintenance system 定期维修制 planned purchase and supply 统购统销 planned supply 计划供 …

state monopoly over purchase and marketing

清华BBS英语角... ... 计划经济 planned economy 统购统销 state monopoly over purchase and marketing 市场经济 market econ…

state monopoly for purchases and marketing

社会政治与经济... ... state loan 公债 state monopoly for purchases and marketing 统购统销 state operated economy 国营经济 ...

state monopoly for purchase and marketing

石油英语词汇(S6) ... state loan 国家贷款 state monopoly for purchase and marketing 统购统销 state monopoly 国家专营 ...

state monopoly of purchasing and marketing

统 - Pin1yin1.com ... 统购统销 统购统销 state monopoly of purchasing and marketing 统管 统管 unified administration ...
