
  • na.fill endless pages with empty verbiage [talk]
  • 网络windy; full of empty words; Be all mouth




空字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 空话〖 bunk;bunkum;emptytalk〗 空话连篇windy〗 空怀〖 nonpregnant;barren〗 ...

full of empty words

空话的英文翻译,空话用英语怎么... ... 少说空话 to not say empty words 空话连篇 full of empty words 一句空话 an empty word ...

Be all mouth

等吧,学吧,share吧 - 香港进度 - 加拿大家园论坛 ... Have a tight mouth: 嘴巴紧 Be all mouth: 空话连篇 To bad-mouth; 讲坏 …

Talking about nothing

long-winded empty talk

Kong1 |... ... 鹰击长空 the eagle soars in the sky 空话连篇 long-winded empty talk 空穴来风 lit. wind from an empty cave ...

all talks

1-3-10 talk扩展的英语单词_001hyxieli... ... stifle talk 使谈话静下来 all talks 空话连篇 big talk 说大话,吹牛皮 ...

vain repetitions

英语词语掌故 ... Uzzah's hand 乌撒的手 vain repetitions 空话连篇 Valley of the shadow of death 死荫的幽... ...


凯旋门大赛日... ... Maria Royal 玛莉亚(爱) Vaniloquio 空话连篇(爱) American Devil 花旗魔鬼(法) ...
