
  • 网络in the blink of an eye; in the twinkling of an eye; Blink



in the blink of an eye

2010届中考英语同义词全接触 ... in that 在于 in the blink of an eye 眨眼间,瞬间 in pawn 典押 ...

in the twinkling of an eye

圣经与英美文化 -... ... in the twinkling of an eye 眨眼间;瞬间;转眼之间;一眨眼的工夫。 ivory tower 象牙塔;世外桃源。 ...


 这种眨眼间(Blink)的能力,也称thin-slicing,即power of the glance(瞄一瞄的力量),球员在球场、士兵在战场、情人在情场, …

a blink of an eye

【转】生活大爆炸口语整理。 ... 272.remote possibility: 可能性很小 273.a blink of an eye: 眨眼间 274.strapless: 无肩的 ...

in a fraction of a second

裕兴新概念英语第三册笔记(1-10) - 豆丁网 ... fraction 一小份 in a fraction of a second 片刻,眨眼间 fracture n. 骨折 ...

as quick as a wink

多彩的“as...as...”短语——欢迎... ... as full as a tick 酒足饭饱 as quick as a wink 眨眼间 as slow as a snail 像蜗牛一样慢 ...

in the blink of my eye

谁能... ... sometimes i wonder 有时候我疑惑 in the blink of my eye 眨眼间 would you be willing to love me 你是否愿意爱我 ...

