
  • n.directly-related members
  • 网络lineal relatives; lineal descent; Direct Blood Relative



lineal relatives

"lineal"怎么说合适-翻译"lineal"-可可查词 ... lineal weight 线密度; lineal relatives 直系血亲; Norma Lineal 矩尺座; ...

lineal descent

法律英语专业词汇汇总 ... 早婚 early marriage 直系血亲 lineal descent 自然血亲 natural blood relation ...

Direct Blood Relative

阿莲户政事务所 ... 判决确定证明书 Court's Final Verdict 直系血亲 Direct Blood Relative 地方法院 District Courthouse ...

lineal blood kinship

《英语新词语联想词典》zz -... ... sub-blood relations 旁系血亲 lineal blood kinship 直系血亲 patriarchal clan 宗族 ...

lineal relatives by blood

民法 - 亲属 relatives by blood -... ... 民法 - 亲属 relatives by blood 直系血亲 lineal relatives by blood 尊 Elder ...

lineal relative by blood

... ) collateral relatives by blood 旁系血亲 ) lineal relative by blood 直系血亲 ) consanguineous relationship 血亲关系 ...

biological family and relatives

20090616_sawyerfj_新浪博客 ... tax exemption 免税 biological family and relatives 直系血亲 legal heir 合法继承人 ...

direct descendants

什么意思_英语descendants在线翻译_有道词典... ... Lemurian Descendants 利莫里亚后代 direct descendants 直系血亲 ...
