
  • n.flame up; blaze up
  • v.blaze up
  • 网络burst into flames; upblaze; flame out



blaze up

英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(B) -亿城英语 ... blaze away 连续发射 blaze up 燃烧起来 blaze 火焰 ...

burst into flames

尼日利亚坠机事件词汇(中英对照) ... a spate of 一连串 burst into flames 突然着火;燃烧起来 two-story/two-storey 两层 ...


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(U2) ... upbeat 弱拍 upblaze 燃烧起来 upborne 被举起的 ...

flame out

flame英语的解释,flame的英语翻译,flam... ... old flame [谑]旧情人 flame out 1. 燃烧起来 acetylene-oxygen flame 乙炔.氧气焰 ...

flame up

flame英语的... ... flame forth (激情、怒火)爆发 flame up 1. 燃烧起来 shoot down in flames [俚]痛[训]斥; (在辩论中)驳倒对方 ...

go up in flames

高三... ... The temperature is going up. 温度上升。 go up in flames 燃烧起来;毁于大火 She went up the ladder. 她登上扶梯。 ...

kindle up

英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(76) _ 上海疯狂英语 ... kindjal 双刃刀 kindle up 燃烧起来 kindle 点燃 ...
