
  • 网络to keep one's eyes peeled; more alert; heighten vigilance



to keep one's eyes peeled

do you know these... ... eye-opener( 惊讶、开了眼界 ) to keep one's eyes peeled( 提高警觉 ) eyes pop out( 惊奇 ) ...

more alert

求职者在准备时,要更加用心;在进行面试时,要更加提高警觉 ( more alert )。我们已介绍了面试成功的首三个要诀,现在继 …

heighten vigilance

... 症状规避 symptoms of elusion 提高警觉 heighten vigilance 通过交谈安抚受害者 pacify victims through conversation ...

to keep an ear to the ground

美国习惯用语 ... the Christmas rush( 圣诞节前的购物热 ) to keep an ear to the ground( 提高警觉 ) ...

raise awareness

相近字判别raise arouse - Yahoo... ... arouse concern= 引起关心 raise awareness= 提高警觉 arouse awareness= 引起警觉 ...

keep alert

常识领导给员工大方向这几年,我常提醒员工两个重点,就是「提高警觉」(keep alert)和「与众不同」(be different)。这 …


beware中文 ... 碧云天 Blue Skies 提高警觉 Beware 雅兰黛和大盗 Yolanda and the Thief... ...

on high alert

Sharp Daily Weekly Reading ... lay stress on = 着重於 on high alert = 提高警觉 alert = 机灵的 ...
