
  • na.priority in the selection of recruits from (among young people)
  • 网络appoint people according to their merits; enlist according to merits; be selected on merit



appoint people according to their merits

appoint中文 ... appoint people according to their merits 择优录用 ... 估价目的 appraisal purpose ...

enlist according to merits

merit-法律界 ... employee's merit rating regime( 考绩制度) enlist according to merits择优录用) ...

be selected on merit

... 择优录取 enroll on the basis of competitive selection 择优录用 be selected on merit 怎么说,怎么办 Whatever you say. ...

choosing the best to take on staff

翻译词典... ... criteria for choosing a spouse 择偶标准 choosing the best to take on staff 择优录用 ...

choose the best candidate for a job

Dictionary ... 择优录用 choose the best candidate for a job 录取新生三百名 enroll 300 students ...

employment by best

... ) optimum selecting 择优选择 ) employment by best 择优录用 ) selecting the best by the examination 考试择优录用制 ...

Best of Breed

...提升整个供应链的效率,随之便带来一个问题:应该选择择优录用(Best of Breed)的供应商还是提供供应链模块的ERP厂商?
