- na.lack the strength to truss up a chicken -- feeble
- 网络be too feeble to truss a chicken; without the strength to truss a chicken; to be physically very weak

be too feeble to truss a chicken
带有"手"字的二字词语_百度知道 ... 手无缚鸡之力[ be too feeble to truss a chicken] 手舞足蹈[ dance for joy] ...
without the strength to truss a chicken
之 -... ... 手无缚鸡之力 手无缚鸡之力 without the strength to truss a chicken 手足之情 手足之情 brotherly affection ...
to be physically very weak
第一章 - 逍遥一生的日志 -... ... 2.to be feeble;to be physically very weak 手无缚鸡之力 1.to support;to advocate 支持 ...