
  • na.have similar views; agree mostly
  • 网络think alike; That makes two of us.; Great minds think alike.



think alike

The Parent... ... 1. guestimate: 推测,粗略估计 2. think alike: 想法一致,所见略同 3. spill out: 突然涌出,说出(真相、内情) ...

That makes two of us.

数据库_英语口语锦集_软件世界网... ... Call it even. 扯平了 That makes two of us. 所见略同 Two coffee to go. 两杯咖啡打包 ...

Great minds think alike.

中国成语英译(转载)_绮思妙想_百度空间 ... 所见略同 Great minds think alike. 姻缘天注定 Marriages are made in heaven. ...

see eye to eye

科学网—《T... ... play ones trump card 打出王牌 see eye to eye 看法相同,所见略同 set... on its ear 使…大感意外或兴 …

The shared idea

《职场英语话题王》- 京东图书... ... 指点迷津 Advice 所见略同 The shared idea 交待工作 Arrange a job ...

hero or bear

所见略同(。。指hero or bear),认为纯空战2150距离带侦察好抢先手,而小猪认为会撞墙不起作用。牵涉到了三绝,战场距 …


所见略同(kofee)哈首次来访 真不同凡响 (Potter) 新年快乐!(小品) 你真没家教(peter) 周星驰创意的经典动作太多了,佩服(席福 …
