
  • 网络slip away; slipped away; just slip away



slip away

slip away什么意思_百度知道 ... slip away: 不要让明天溜走. slip away 逃走;悄悄溜走 slip: 溜走,滑行, ...

slipped away

just slip away

神秘园的{夜曲}英译中 ... now let the day 现在,让白昼 just slip away 悄悄溜走 so the dark night 那么,黑夜 ...

slip off

《美少女的... ... From then on he refused to talk about it. 从那以后他就不再谈这件事了。 slip off: 悄悄溜走 go ahead: 说吧 ...

Edge away softly and stealthily

leave quietly

slip off-用法 ... 1.fall off by sliding unintentionally 不慎滑落 2.leave quietly 悄悄溜走 ...

absence without notice

... absence without leave 擅离职守,开小差 absence without notice 悄悄溜走,不辞而别 in absence of 在…不在时;在缺乏…时 ...

to take French leave

常用英语短语/句型/谚语_英语杂谈... ... No.830 polite learning 古典教育 No.831 to take French leave 不告而辞;悄悄溜走 ...
