
  • n.reclaimed land
  • v.break the ground
  • 网络clear cutting; land cultivation; clear the land



reclaimed land

land的翻译中文意思... ... recirculation lands 回流台肩 reclaimed land 开垦土地 regenerating forest land 更新的林地 ...

clear cutting

雅思阅读词汇:热带雨林(二) _ 雅思 _ 考试大 ... citizenry n. 公民,市民 clear cutting 清除林木,开垦土地 clove n. 丁香 ...

land cultivation

开垦的英文翻译,开垦用英语怎么说 -... ... 开垦出来 cultivate 开垦土地 land cultivation 进行开垦 under cultivation ...

clear the land

clear的解释... ... be cleared to take off 获得起飞许可 clear the land 开垦土地 a clear conscience 清白的良心 ...

bring land into cultivation

cultivation的解... ... land under cultivation 开垦地,耕地 bring land into cultivation 开垦土地 cultivate v. 种植,向…讨好 ...

Plough field

...中包括建筑道路(Construct Road )、开垦土地Plough field)、开垦葡萄园(Lag qut winfield)、拆除建筑(Remove buil…

The first lady showed the young gardeners how to turn the soil for theone100squaremeter100-square-meter garden.
