
  • 网络Proceed with caution; watch your step; Acts consciously



Proceed with caution

cautioned什么... ... 3. I must caution you against the danger. 我必须告诫你应谨防危险。 4. Proceed with caution. 小心行事. ...

watch your step

Garfield 加菲猫 看电影学英语... ... judge: 裁判员 watch your step: 注意脚下;小心台阶;小心行事 compromise: 妥协;让步 ...

Acts consciously

6个信号他其实喜欢你_普特英语听力 ... 2. Lowers his voice 压低嗓音 3. Acts consciously 小心行事 1. Eye contact 眼神交流 ...

Go warily.

gone_百度百科 ... This machine goes by steam. 这台机器是由蒸汽驱动的。 Go warily. 小心行事。 ...

carefully avoid risks

... vt. remove or take away 排除,消除,根除 carefully avoid risks 稳扎稳打,小心行事 it is not surprising 不令人吃惊,难怪 ...

play it cozy

play... ... play it by ear [口]见机行事,随机应变,临时凑合,即席作成 play it cozy 小心行事 play it on sb 用卑劣手段骗某人 ...

Exercise with Caution

典藏书屋:睿智人生... ... Unit 23 Leadership Styles 领导艺术风格 Unit 24 Job-hopping:Exercise with Caution 跳槽:小心行事 ...
