
  • 网络A large sum of money; big money; heavy money



A large sum of money

“命运”用什么单词好?_百度知道 ... A large sum of money: 大笔钱: Fate;destiny: 命运: ...

big money

... big league 美国两大职业棒球联盟之一 详细 big money 大钱,大笔钱 详细 big mouth 搬嘴的人,喜谈别人私事的人;饶... 详细 ...

heavy money

heavy和play怎么译? - 期刊杂志... ... 10. heavy applause 热烈的鼓掌 11. heavy money 大笔钱 12. heavy weather 阴沉的天气 ...

important money

新学期和Crystall... ... be important before everything 比任何事都重要 important money 大笔钱 look important 看上去了不起 ...

a pot of money

沪江博... ... 3)(手工制作的)陶制装饰器皿 The flowers were growing in pots. 4)巨款;大笔钱 a pot of money 6)大人物 big pot ...

a small fortune

small是什么意思 - 已解决 -... ... classified advertisements (报章上的)分类广告 a small fortune 大笔钱 small arms 轻武器 ...


笔的英语翻译,笔用英文怎么说 - n词酷在线词典 ... (luck) 好运 (wealth) 大笔钱 (blow) 击 ...
