
  • 网络in retrospect; come back; look back



in retrospect

温州大学 大学英语课程 ... 弥补某种错误行为 making up for a misdeed 回想起来 in retrospect 善意的 well-intentioned ...

come back

七年级下册英语单词 ... stand up 站起,站立;起立 come back 回来;回想起来 lie v. 说谎;躺;平放;位于; n.谎言 ...

look back

空中英语教室字汇整理与分享 ... sibling 兄弟姐妹 look back 回想起来 tractor 牵引机 拖拉机 ...

And saw it through without exemption

... I did what I had to do 我所做过的都是我认为必须做的事 And saw it through without exemption 回想起来,也不会想去改变它 ...

Looking Back Unwittingly

什么意思... ... Almost Unwittingly 几乎在不经意间 Looking Back Unwittingly 回想起来 Unwittingly and Quietly 不知不觉 ...
