商汤王刻在洗澡盆上的箴言说”如果能够一天新,就应保持天天新,新了还要更新。” 《康诰》说:“激励人弃旧图新。” 《诗经》说,“周朝虽然是旧的国家,但却禀受了新的天命。”所以,品德高尚的人无处下追求完善。
《大学》文辞简约,内涵深刻,影响深远。两千年来无数仁人志士由此登堂入室以窥儒家之门。 该文从实用主义角度,对现代人如何做人,做事,立业等等均有深刻启迪意义。 中华民国国父孙中山作三民主义之民族主义中第六讲题提到;“我们现在要能够齐家、治国,不受外国的压迫,根本上便要从修身起,把中国固有知识一贯的道理先恢复起来,然后我们民族的精神和民族的地位才都可以恢复。”,且三民主义亦为中华民国宪法第一条之内含。可见研读大学,亦有助理解中华民国宪法法源依据。
"Doctrine of the mean" full text The destiny says the nature, the might as well says that, cultivates oneself according to religious doctrine to say teaches.Also also, may not the moment leave, separable non-road.Therefore the gentleman abstains cautious its does not see, frightened its did not hear.Not sees hidden, not reveals micro, therefore gentleman cautious its alone.In the laughter, anger, sorrow, and happiness has not sent, says; But sends all the festival, says the sum.Also, world big this; With also, the world reaches.Sends neutral.The day status, the myriad things nurture. The zhong ni said that,“Gentleman doctrine of the mean, villain counter-doctrine of the mean.Doctrine of the mean of also when the gentleman, gentleman; Doctrine of the mean of also the villain, the villain not dreads.” Sub-said that,“Doctrine of the mean it to! The people fresh can long!” Sub-said that,Also “a line, I do not know: Knowing it, the simplemindedness has been inferior to.Also unclear, I know: Sage it, the unfiliality has been inferior to.Also the human none who does not diet, fresh can know the taste.” Sub-said that,“It not good husband!” Sub-said that,“Shun Qida knows also and! But Shun Hao asks well observes the modern coinages, hidden wicked raises friendly, holds its both sides, with in the people, its Si thinks Shun!” Sub-said that,“The human all said `gives knows", drives to accept Zhu Gu擭 in the trap, but not the knowledge wards off.The human all said `gives knows", selects the doctrine of the mean, but cannot the 1 full month 2 full year defend.” Sub-said that,Also “returns to the manner, selects the doctrine of the mean, one friendly believes in sincerely not loses.” Sub-said that,Also also “the world country may, the rank and emoluments be possible to dismiss, also the naked sword may step, doctrine of the mean not impossible.” Sub-Lu Wenqiang.Sub-said that,“South strong and? North strong and? But damps strong and? The width softens teaches, does not report wickedly, also south strong, the gentleman occupies the golden leather, dies does not tire of, also north strong, but the powerhouse occupies it.Therefore the gentleman and does not flow, strong rectifies! The neutrality does not rely on, strong rectifies! The country is correct, fills invariably, strong rectifies! The country is wicked, is unchanging even to death, strong rectifies!” Sub-said that,Usually “hidden line of strange, the later generation has states, I not for it.But the gentleman obeys the line, gives up halfway, I not can be over.The gentleman depends on the doctrine of the mean, but flees the world is not known not the regret, only the saint can it.Road of Fei Eryin gentleman.Simplemindedness the husband and wife, may with know; Also and to, although the sage also has does not know.Unfiliality the husband and wife, may be able good; Also and to, although the sage also has cannot.Also the world, the human still have regrets greatly.Therefore the gentleman language is big, the world not can carry; The language is small, the world not can break."Poem" cloud: “yuan flies li the day, the fish leap in the deep pool.The" word its about observes.Road of the gentleman, makes end husbands and wives; Also and to, observes the world.” Sub-said that,“Not distant person.But the human is the distant person, may not be the road."Poem" cloud: “Acts as a marriage go-between, it is not far." is a matchmaker acts as a marriage go-between, casts a sidelong glance regards it, still thinks far.Therefore the gentleman by the rule by people person, changes stops.Disobeys not to be far loyally, Shi Zhuji does not hope, also does not do to others.Road of the gentleman four, the earthen mound has not been able one: Asks, by the matter father, has not been able; Asks the feudal official, by matter Mr., has not been able; Asks the younger brother, by the matter brother, has not been able; Asks the friend, executes it first, also has not been able, the earnest practice of ordinary virtues, the careful in ordinary speech; Has insufficient, does not dare not to make an effort, has -odd does not dare; The word gives a thought to the line, the line gives a thought to the word, gentleman Hu not 慥 慥 you! But besides gentleman element its line, does not hope.Element riches and honor, line of riches and honor; The element is lowly, line lowly; Element Yi and Di, line of Yi and Di; Element adversity, line of adversity: But the gentleman does not have not not contentedly into.Under on position mausoleum, does not help in the lower position, oneself does not strive for in the human, then not complains.On not the resentful day, gets down not especially the human.Therefore the gentleman lives safely by qi the life, the villain risks danger luckily by.” Sub-said that,“Shoots has as if the gentleman; Loses the various bull"s eyes, self-examines Zhu Qishen.Road of the gentleman, wards off like the line far to have from near, wards off like the climb up to have to feel inferior."Poem" said that,“The wife good gathers, like drum Chinese zither qin.Brothers already amiable, with Le Qiedan.The suitable your home, is happy your wife and children."” sub-said that,“Parents it is suitable!” Sub-said that,“The ghosts and gods are Germany, its abundant! Regards not sees, listens not to hear, but the body cannot lose.Causes person of aplanatic splendid attire the world, relies on the sacrificial offering, vast like in above, like in its about."Poem" said that,“Standard of the god thinks, cannot think! Furthermore may shoot thinks!"Husband micro revealing, honest cannot cover so the husband.” Sub-said that,“Shun its greeting letter also and! Germany is the sage, reveres for the emperor, rich within the four seas.The ancestral temple entertains with food and drink it, the descendants guarantee it.Therefore Germany must its, have its wealth, to have its, to have its long-lived.But therefore biology of the day, must because of its material sincere.Therefore planting cultivates it, leaning turns round it."Poem" said that,“Fine happy gentleman, constitution constitution good character.The suitable people are pleasant, wealth Yu Tian.Blesses life it, from day Shanghai it.Therefore" the big Germany must be ordered to.” Sub-said that,“Does not have sorrow, it only king wen! By Wang Jiwei the father, take King Wu as, the father makes it, sub-states it.King Wu inherits your majesty, Wang Ji, the king wen xu, one Rung Yi has the world, the body does not lose the world to reveal the name. Reveres for the emperor, rich within the four seas.The ancestral temple entertains with food and drink it, the descendants guarantee it.At the end of King Wu is ordered to.The Duke of Zhou existing writing, military Germany, pursue king your majesty, the king season, on offers sacrifice male first ritual of by the emperor.Also Si Li, reaches feudal lord doctor, and gentleman common people.The father is doctor, sub-is the gentleman, buries by doctor, offers a sacrifice to by the gentleman.The father is the gentleman, sub-is doctor, buries by the gentleman, offers a sacrifice to by doctor.Mourning of the time, reaches doctor.Three years mourning, reaches the emperor.Mourning of the parents, does not have in any case, one.” Sub-said that,“King Wu, Duke of Zhou, it reaches the filial piety! The husband filial piety, continues will of friendly the human, states matter of friendly the human.Spring and Autumn Period repairs its ancestral temple, Chen Qizong, supposes its clothes clothes, recommends meantime eats.Ritual of the ancestral temple, therefore foreword illustrious solemn.Foreword jue, therefore distinguishes in any case.Foreword matter, also therefore distinguishes virtuously, under travel reward for on, therefore catches inexpensively. Swallow wool, therefore foreword tooth.Treads its, a line of its ritual, plays its happy, respects its reveres, likes its kissing, the matter dies like the matter to live, the matter perishes like the matter to save, the filial piety thes utmost.The suburb society ritual of, therefore matter God.Ritual of the ancestral temple, therefore offers sacrifice to it first.The bright suburb society ritual of, 禘 tastes righteousness, the governing as if shows the various palms!” The sorrow male asks the politics.Sub-said that,“Article, military politics, cloth in method.Its person saves, then its politics lifts; Its person perishes, then its political rest.Humanity sensitive politics, tunnel sensitive tree.Husband politics also, cattail Lu.Therefore for the politics in the human, takes the human by the body, practices moral culture by said, cultivates oneself according to religious doctrine by the kernel.Also the savant person, cherishes one"s relatives in a big way for; Also righteousness suitable, reveres virtuously for big. Cherishes one"s relatives it to kill, reveres and so on virtuously, the ritual lives.Does not attain in the lower position on, the people cannot result in govern! Therefore the gentleman may not not practice moral culture; Thinks practices moral culture, may not the matter not kiss; Thinks the matter to kiss, may not not know the human; Thinks knows the human, may not not know the day.” “The world reaches five, therefore third line.Saying: Also also also also also the rulers and the ministers, the fathers and sons, husbands and wives, the brothers, junction of the friend, five worlds reach.Knowledge, kind, brave, also everlasting virtues of the three world, therefore one of lines.Either knows from birth, either acquired knowledge, either thus knows it; And knows it, one. Either An Erxing it, but either advantage line of it, but either reluctantly line of it; And success, one.” Sub-said that,“Is diligent the near knowledge, energetically puts into practice the near kernel, knows the shame to approach bravely.Knows Si three, then knows therefore practices moral culture; Knows therefore practices moral culture, then knows therefore governs the human; Knows therefore governs the human, then knows therefore governs the world country.” “Every has the nine classics for the world country, said: Also practices moral culture, also reveres virtuously, also cherishes one"s relatives, also respects minister, also also also the body whole body of ministers, the sub-common people, come all the various crafts, also the supple distant person, cherishes the feudal lord.Practices moral culture then the road stands, reveres virtuously then the forty years old, cherishes one"s relatives then the various father brothers are not resentful, respects minister not to be dizzy, then the body whole body of ministers newspaper of ritual the gentleman is heavy, then the sub-common people the common people urge, comes all the various crafts then capital foot, supple distant person then the four directions turn over to it, cherishes the feudal lord then world fear it.Aplanatic splendid attire, discourteous motionless, therefore practices moral culture; But slanders the far color, the inexpensive goods the guide, therefore urges virtuously; Reveres its, heavy its wealth, with its likes and dislikes, therefore urges to cherish one"s relatives; Official Sheng Renshi, therefore urges minister; Loyal letter heavy wealth, also therefore urges the gentleman, when causes to collect thinly, therefore urges the common people; The date province month tries, also the granary calls the matter, therefore urges all the various crafts; Sees off the departing guests and welcomes the newcomers, but Jiashan boast commisserate cannot, therefore supple distant person; Continues 绝 the world, lifts the waste country, governs randomly holds the danger, the dynasty hires by when, but thick toward thinly comes, therefore bosom feudal lord.” “Every has the nine classics for the world country, therefore one of lines.Everything Henan stands, then the unhesitating abandons.The word predecessor rule 跲, in anticipation the rule was not sleepy, in front of the line rule chronic illness, in front of the road the rule was not poor. “Does not attain in the lower position on, the people cannot result in govern; Attains on is correct: Does not believe the friend, does not attain on; The letter friend is correct: Is not suitable kisses, does not believe the friend; Along kisses is correct: Counter-Zhu Shen is dishonest, is not suitable kisses; The honest body is correct: Unclear friendly, dishonest body.Honesty, road of the day; Honest, road of the human.The honesty does not make an effort, does not think, calm middle course, sage.Honest, selects friendly and tenacious. “Learned it, interrogates it, cautious thinks it, clearly distinguishes it, sincere line of it.Has not studies, studies not energy, not handles; Some not asked that, asked not knows, not handles; Has Furth, thinks not, not handles; Has not distinguishes, distinguishes Firmin, not handles; Has not good, line not sincere, not handles.The human one can oneself hundred it, the human ten be able oneself thousand it.The fruit can this field of endeavor, although simpleminded must be bright, although supple must be strong. “From honest bright, says the nature.The self-evident is honest, says teaching.Honest then bright, Ming Zecheng.Only the world is most sincere, is can its nature; Can its nature; Then can nature of the completely person; Can nature of the completely person, then can the nature; Can the nature, then may approve nourishing of the world; May approve nourishing of the world, then may and the world senate. “Next sends the tune.Qu Neng has the honesty, honest then shape, shape then, is wearing then bright, Ming Ze moves, moves changes, abnormality.Only the world for can melt most sincerely. “The most sincere road, may front know.The country will be popular, must have auspicious.The country will perish, must have the evil portents. 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